Dear HMLM,

   I just read your booklet "As It Was in the Day's of Noah", and I was very surprised and happy to see a ministry and a publication that doesn't "blindly" follow the mainstream religions.  I am in prison and read the Bible, but what I'm told by ministers isn't what I read in the Scriptures.  You write about a Saturday Sabbath and keeping the Law.  You write about what I read in the Holy Scriptures!  Could you please send me any of your books that are free?  And please put me on your mailing list.  Thank you!  May our heavenly Father bless you! Louisiana Prison


Dear HMLM,

   I met a fellow here who said that I could get my own copies of "The Great Controversy" and "The Desire of Ages" if I wrote and asked you for them.  I would like your monthly newsletter articles, if possible, called "The Present Truth".  He said you also have a Bible study that I could do.  If possible, please send me these items.  I would appreciate it very much!  God bless! Utah Prison


Dear His Marvelous Light Ministries,

   First giving all praises to God for your ministry, and to the brother whom God has led to share his material of God's Word with me, as well as your address.  I do have a desire to continue on in God's Word according to His will and His way.  I am led by the Spirit of Christ to study more, rightly dividing the Word of truth.  Please enroll me in your free Bible studies, and also please send the free booklet "Are You Breaking 'The Law'?".  Thank you in advance for being obedient to God and His commandments.  Your brother in Christ, Florida Prison


Praise the Lord!

   I greet you in the wonderful and awesome name of Jesus!  I am writing in response to the great news that I received last night.  I was told that you offer FREE Bible Studies!  I'm always looking to learn more of God's Word, so please enroll me in your free course!  God bless you and yours.  In Jesus' name, California Prison


Dear HMLM,

   May God continue to bless all of your works along with all of you and your families.  I would like to thank you for the Bible Study and all of the encouragement that you have given me.  It is helping me in my walk tremendously and I always look forward to the next lesson.  I think the "Present Truth" newsletter is an awesome piece of work and I can't ever put it down until I have read the whole thing.  I also look forward to the story of "Lydia, A Seller of Purple."  It has also done wonders in opening up my eyes.  I would like to know if you could send me a copy of "God's Health Prescription".  I would like to know more about eating right.  I am enclosing the names and addresses of my family that I would like for you to send a newsletter to.  Thank you for all that you do for those of us who are locked up.  Your brother in Christ, Texas Prison


Dear HMLM,

   I life up my voice in behalf of you all, for the work you have accomplished already and that soon we will see the King!  I've been reading your newsletter and was so impressed with the section of letters you receive.  Oh, how much we owe to be a part of the Lord's work and how our hearts melt and soften as we listen to those who have heard the truth for the first time or someone who has received the Spirit of God afresh after years of being a Christian!  It's good for me to be alone at times in a cell by myself where I can sing, where I can cry and just thank God that today at this moment I know I'm alright with Him.  It's good to humble myself and stay on the floor and pray for all those I wish I knew were closer to Jesus today.  Did they ever read "The Great Controversy"... Did my life show anything that left an impression where they would want to find out more about the seventh-day Sabbath and the Power behind it... etc.  And so, I just thought I would write and ask you to start me in the Bible course you have, and I have also included the name of another inmate who is down the hall.  Thank you! Love, Illinois Prison



   I would like to know if you could please send me a Bible study?  If you could do that for me I would be very grateful.  Thank you very much for your help.  May God  bless you! Sincerely, Oklahoma Prison


To His Marvelous Light Ministries,

   May the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you.  I am presently incarcerated, but had the opportunity to read the book titled "The Great Controversy" by E. G. White.  We (brothers in faith) have formed a Bible study group led by God.  We fellowship three times a week.  I would deeply appreciate you sending six copies of "The Great Controversy" to the following names.  May God bless all of you!  Please pray for us.  In Christ, Louisiana Prison


Dear Sir or Madam,

   His Marvelous Light Ministries keeps popping up around the unit I am incarcerated at.  I've seen many Bibles, concordances, and Bible correspondence courses from you.  Would you please mail me a listing of your prison ministries materials and I would also like to start your correspondence course as soon as possible.  Thank you for the work you do for the Lord.  Respectfully, Texas Prison


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